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 24th - PUT BULLYING TO BED - Wear your Pajamas
 25th - SAY "PEACE OUT" TO BULLYING - Wear Tie Dye
26th -  HATS OFF TO NO BULLYING - Wear Your Favorite Hat
 27th - BULLYING IS BACKWARDS - Wear clothes backwards
 28th - DON'T BE A BOO-LLY - Wear Halloween-themed clothes

 8 - NO  SCHOOL - Election day (schools being used for election)
November 21 & 22 - NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences
23rd-25th - Thanksgiving Recess

23- January 6 - Winter Break
January 9 - School Resumes
January 16 - NO SCHOOL - M.L. King Day

February 3 - Half Day Teacher In service
February 20 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
March 6 - NO SCHOOL - Casimir Pulaski Day 
March 27-31 - Spring Recess
April 7 - Non Attendance Day
April 10 - Non Attendance Day 
April 21 - Non Attendance Day
May 5 - Half Day Teacher In service
May 29 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
June 1 - Graduation
June 2 - Records Day - 1/2 Day
June 9 - Last Day of School - Full Day 

Absences Graphic

Please report late arrival, absence and request homework...

Please report late arrival, absence and
request homework prior to 10:00 a.m. each day:

Requested homework may be picked up in the front office
between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. each weekday.

Visitor Sign-in Policy

I want to remind parents about our visitor sign-in policy...

I want to remind parents about our visitor sign-in policy.
Visitors who wish to enter the building (beyond the main office) during school hours will be required to provide a state driver's license or I.D. This information will be electronically screened against the National Sex Offender Database. An I.D badge using your photo will be produced and must be worn while in the school. As always, the safety of the children remains our top priority.
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

If you are coming in to enroll a new student,
please arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.
to allow sufficient time to complete your child's enrollment.

Dismissal Graphic

Please be advised that all students will be sent home only on their regularly assigned District 118 bus unless other arrangements of a permanent nature have been made. If, on occasion, your child will be a car rider, you must notify us IN WRITING and IN ADVANCE. To ensure the safety and security of our students, there can be no changes in dismissal after 2:15 each day.

School Closed Graphic

School Closings: Palos 118 utilizes an urgent parent notification system to contact parents through home phones, cell phones, and email. A test of the urgent parent notification system occurs at the beginning of each school year. Parents can update their contact information through the school office.

In addition, closing information is provided to the media outlets through the “Emergency Closing Center” and can be found on the district website