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Palos East Elementary School
7700 W. 127th St.
Palos Heights, IL 60463
Phone - 708-448-1084
Fax - 708-923-7077

Important Numbers

School Office
Palos East Attendance Line
District Office

School Hours

Grades 1-5
8:55am - 3:25pm
Full Day Kindergarten 9:15 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Office Staff
8:00am - 4:00pm


Palos East supports a visitor sign in policy for the safety of our students. Visitors who wish to enter the building (beyond the main office) during school hours will be required to provide a state driver's license or I.D. This information will be electronically screened against the National Sex Offender Database. An I.D. badge using your photo will be produced and must be worn while in the school. You will be required to show your driver's license or I.D. every time you enter the building. As always, the safety of the children remains our top priority.


Regular school attendance is a necessary component for success in the educational program. For the child's safety, it is essential that you call the school when your child will be absent. Also, please state the reason for the absence. Parents must give a reason for their child’s absence. Chronically absent students are at a heightened risk for falling behind academically. If no reason is provided, the absence will be unexcused.

Please call: 923-7051 to report an absence. If we do not receive a call, you will be contacted and informed that your child is not in school.

Car Riders

The following information should be helpful to car riders. Car riders must be dropped off at the sidewalk in front of the office doors between 8:45-8:55 a.m. You may enter through entrance #2 and exit out of exit #4. Please do not let your children out of the car until a staff member is present. Please keep in mind that school begins at 8:55.
Car rider pick up is at 3:25 at the South side of the building. Please do not arrive before 3:00. You should enter in through entrance #2 and after you have picked up your child/children, exit out of exit #4. Please remain in your cars. Staff members are there assisting students to your vehicle. We will load several students at one time in order to make this process as quick and efficient as possible. It is extremely helpful when the “car tags” we handed out are hung. If you need a car tag, please let us know.

Transportation Changes

If there is going to be a change in your child's daily transportation, it is important to notify his or her teacher in writing by sending a note to school. The note should include the child's name, date and teacher. This must be done each day that there is a change from the normal routine. Please avoid email in case the teacher is absent that day. If no information is received, the child will be sent home via his or her everyday transportation. Students are only allowed to ride the bus they are assigned. There can be no change to buses or bus routes. We have a dismissal routine in place to help limit mistakes, but strong communication on both ends will ensure the most effective dismissal practices.

Birthday Celebrations & Treats

The following practices remain in place this year regarding treats in school. Your cooperation will help ensure a safe and healthy environment for all children.

  • Edible birthday treats are not permitted at school. This policy expands the district's wellness program to promote student health and comply with the new legislation. If treats are sent in, they will not be distributed.
  • Non-edible birthday treats are also prohibited because it is difficult to manage the type and value of such items in a fashion that would be fair and economically available to all.
  • PFA room parties will not include food treats.

Please know that each grade level has a unique way of making your child feel special on his or her birthday. Birthdays will also be recognized during the morning announcements for all students. We will continue to provide numerous opportunities for positive social experiences and celebrations through our curriculum and PBIS Program.

Office Notes

As a reminder, the office closes at 4:00 p.m. and the doors will be locked at that time for safety purposes. Homework pick up and any forgotten items need to be picked up before 4:00 p.m. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.